10 x 22 x 100 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022100HH Edit the product code below.
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0.70 10 22 317 100-1200 13 10.5 257 100 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £69.64 £58.03 11 + £64.07 £53.39 Saving 8 % 25 + £52.22 £43.52 Saving 25 % 50 + £48.74 £40.62 Saving 30 % Total:
10 x 22 x 150 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022150HH Edit the product code below.
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0.77 10 22 417 100-1200 13 10.5 357 150 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £74.46 £62.05 11 + £68.51 £57.09 Saving 8 % 25 + £55.85 £46.54 Saving 25 % 50 + £52.13 £43.44 Saving 30 % Total:
10 x 22 x 200 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022200HH Edit the product code below.
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0.79 10 22 517 100-1200 13 10.5 457 200 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £79.28 £66.07 11 + £72.95 £60.79 Saving 8 % 25 + £59.46 £49.55 Saving 25 % 50 + £55.50 £46.25 Saving 30 % Total:
10 x 22 x 250 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022250HH Edit the product code below.
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0.84 10 22 617 100-1200 13 10.5 557 250 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £82.49 £68.74 11 + £75.89 £63.24 Saving 8 % 25 + £61.87 £51.56 Saving 25 % 50 + £57.74 £48.12 Saving 30 % Total:
10 x 22 x 300 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022300HH Edit the product code below.
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0.91 10 22 717 100-1200 13 10.5 657 300 Guaranteed
Unit Price 1 + £85.69 £71.41 11 + £78.84 £65.70 Saving 8 % 25 + £64.27 £53.56 Saving 25 % 50 + £59.99 £49.99 Saving 30 % Total:
10 x 22 x 350 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022350HH Edit the product code below.
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0.33 10 22 817 100-1200 13 10.5 757 350 Guaranteed
Unit Price 1 + £85.79 £71.49 11 + £78.92 £65.77 Saving 8 % 25 + £64.34 £53.62 Saving 25 % 50 + £60.06 £50.05 Saving 30 % Total:
10 x 22 x 400 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1022400HH Edit the product code below.
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1.03 10 22 917 100-1200 13 10.5 857 400 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £91.80 £76.50 11 + £84.46 £70.38 Saving 8 % 25 + £68.86 £57.38 Saving 25 % 50 + £64.26 £53.55 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 50 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428050HH Edit the product code below.
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1.03 14 28 224 200-2500 16 14 154 50 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £74.95 £62.46 11 + £68.95 £57.46 Saving 8 % 25 + £56.21 £46.84 Saving 25 % 50 + £52.46 £43.72 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 100 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428100HH Edit the product code below.
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1.07 14 28 324 200-2500 16 14 254 100 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £93.48 £77.90 11 + £85.99 £71.66 Saving 8 % 25 + £70.10 £58.42 Saving 25 % 50 + £65.44 £54.53 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 150 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428150HH Edit the product code below.
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1.08 14 28 424 200-2500 16 14 354 150 Guaranteed
Unit Price 1 + £105.84 £88.20 11 + £97.37 £81.14 Saving 8 % 25 + £79.38 £66.15 Saving 25 % 50 + £74.09 £61.74 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 200 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428200HH Edit the product code below.
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1.21 14 28 524 200-2500 16 14 454 200 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £125.62 £104.68 11 + £115.56 £96.30 Saving 8 % 25 + £94.21 £78.51 Saving 25 % 50 + £87.92 £73.27 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 250 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428250HH Edit the product code below.
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1.28 14 28 624 200-2500 16 14 554 250 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £128.94 £107.45 11 + £118.62 £98.85 Saving 8 % 25 + £96.70 £80.58 Saving 25 % 50 + £90.25 £75.21 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 300 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428300HH Edit the product code below.
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1.43 14 28 724 200-2500 16 14 654 300 Guaranteed
Unit Price 1 + £141.50 £117.92 11 + £130.18 £108.48 Saving 8 % 25 + £106.13 £88.44 Saving 25 % 50 + £99.05 £82.54 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 350 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428350HH Edit the product code below.
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1.43 14 28 824 200-2500 16 14 754 350 Guaranteed
Unit Price 1 + £140.99 £117.49 11 + £129.71 £108.09 Saving 8 % 25 + £105.73 £88.11 Saving 25 % 50 + £98.69 £82.24 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 400 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428400HH Edit the product code below.
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1.66 14 28 924 200-2500 16 14 854 400 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £150.66 £125.55 11 + £138.60 £115.50 Saving 8 % 25 + £112.99 £94.16 Saving 25 % 50 + £105.46 £87.88 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 450 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428450HH Edit the product code below.
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1.73 14 28 1024 200-2500 16 14 954 450 Guaranteed
Unit Price 1 + £147.07 £122.56 11 + £135.30 £112.75 Saving 8 % 25 + £110.30 £91.92 Saving 25 % 50 + £102.95 £85.79 Saving 30 % Total:
14 x 28 x 500 Stainless Steel heavy duty gas struts brackets 850-1428500HH Edit the product code below.
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1.88 14 28 1124 200-2500 16 14 1054 500 < 10
Unit Price 1 + £154.19 £128.49 11 + £141.85 £118.21 Saving 8 % 25 + £115.63 £96.36 Saving 25 % 50 + £107.93 £89.94 Saving 30 % Total: