Conversion Studs - How do they work?
WDS has introduced a new range of Steel and Stainless Steel Conversion Studs available to order from WDSCOMPONENTS.COM
Check out our stainless steel conversion studs here and watch the video below for more information on how they work.
WDS 419 Thread Conversion Studs are designed to enable the user to easily and economically create the correct male threaded components to suit their specific application - low cost, convenient and robust when assembled with the proven Loctite 638 engineering adhesive. Any suitable female threaded grip, handle or component can be converted by this simple and effective method.
Not suitable for low to medium volume use when the desired standard part is not available and dedicated manufacture might be costly.
Available in 316 Stainless Steel and Zinc Plated Steel both in Metric and Inch sizes!
For more information about Thread Conversion Studs click here.